For authors

Why publish with JoDaKISS?

  • You have a data set that is highly relevant to your community within Simulation Science. The data set is unfortunately not rich enough to be published along with a new article? You want this data artifact to be citable nonetheless? In this case, JoDaKISS can be seen as an enriched version of an open repository (like Zenodo, arXiv, HAL, DaRUS) for those data – you publish them not as a „preprint“, but as a quality-checked Data Descriptor.
  • You have a dataset on some public repository that does not mandate enough metadata to be FAIR. Republish („overlay it“) with us and ensure the necessary metadata is available.
  • You aim at a journal submission but lack a DOI for the accompanying data, because your data repository does not provide it? Republish („overlay it“) with us.
  • You have software that is highly relevant to your community within Simulation Science. The software is unfortunately not rich enough to be published along with a new article? You want this software artifact to be citable nonetheless? In this case, JoDaKISS can be seen as an enriched version of an open repository (like Zenodo, arXiv, HAL, DaRUS) for this software – you do not publish it as a „preprint“, but as a quality-checked software descriptor.
  • You have software on some public repository that does not mandate enough metadata to be FAIR. Republish („overlay it“) with us and ensure the necessary metadata is available.
  • You aim at a journal submission but lack a DOI for the accompanying software, because your data repository does not provide it? Republish („overlay it“) with us.
  • If your dataset does not have enough scientific novelty for a full length paper or doesn’t fit such a scope it might fit with us. For example, if you have assembled a range of benchmark cases for an important application problem, and you want to make the necessary benchmark data and plotting tools available to others, JoDaKISS is ideal.
  • Software versions: You have a new version of your widely useful software framework which contains important bugfixes but too little functional or scientific advance to publish a full-length paper, you can overlay, for instance, a Zenodo archive of your released source code and documentation, with a software descriptor and publish with JoDaKISS.

 How to submit: author's guidelines

Submission will be possible from January 1, 2025.

  1. Store your data on an open repository, like Zenodo, arXiv, HAL or DaRUS. If your data and software are stored on a local repository at your university, please contact us. In general, it is possible to link Dataverse repositories to the journal.
  2. Create an account on Episciences and follow the instructions.
  3. There should be a short description of the submitted dataset to describe the general motivation. Please use the templates “Data Descriptor” and/or “Software Descriptor”. One example would be the simulation of flow and transport processes in fractured porous media with the software tool DuMux as part of an international benchmark study.
  4. The code including required input data is published together with a container image and computation template for facilitated reproduction. Reference solutions for the benchmark study are provided as well.
  5. Authors should use the professional affiliation recommended by their institutions.
  6. The review process starts.

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