
Welcome to the Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science (JoDaKISS) 

JoDaKISS is an international, multidisciplinary overlay journal. It aims to give existing data sets and software for scientific simulations a qualified scientific peer reviewed process and to provide the added value to the scientific community. The goal is to advance simulation science with high quality data sets and software.

JoDaKISS accepts submissions and publishes contributions in the form of data and software descriptors (see for authors). The data and the software itself are hosted in an external repository.

Overlay with JoDaKISS

JoDaKISS complements existing institutional and open data repositories by providing an overlay journal infrastructure for published data and software with

  • a data or software descriptor (see for authors), that highlights the value of the data or software, and provides more background information about the dataset, such as methods, limitations and validation,
  • an accessible web address and a digital object identifier (DOI),
  • a stamp of quality from a rigorous scientific peer review process.

The detailed data or software descriptor acts as an additional publication, provided with a unique DOI. With the information about the published data and software, JoDaKISS offers a robust framework for scientific quality control with peer review, in addition to the compliance with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable)

Peer review

All submissions to JoDaKISS are peer-reviewed. JoDaKISS uses a single-blind review model. Peer-reviewers are experts from the research data and software community as well as experts in the scientific domain of the dataset or software. The peer review process focuses on two main aspects: the scientific value of the data provided and aspects of data FAIRness including metadata quality.

What kind of data are we talking about?

JoDaKISS considers all aspects of data and software related to scientific simulations with a scientific value. This includes software source code, input data sets of a simulation, simulation results, as well as experimental data sets that are used, e.g., for the validation of numerical simulations or as essential input for data-integrated simulations.

Not in scope are simple scripts for running simulations or plotting data, application software without a clear connection to a simulation science approach, or living software (i.e. software hosted on GitHub or similar in active development, for such cases you might consider JOSS or similar journals). Within the scope, however, are snapshots of a specific version of software hosted in a data repository as the basis for reproducible research pipelines.

JoDaKISS does not publish full-length scientific articles or proceedings, but such articles may be linked to the dataset and data descriptor if published elsewhere.

Publication policy

JoDaKISS is a diamond overlay journal, with no access or publication fees. All data and software remain licensed under their original terms. The descriptor is licensed under CC-BY.

Editorial board

  • Bernd Flemisch (University of Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Member of the steering group and co-spokesperson of the NFDI4Ing consortium (National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences). Focus: Porous Media.
  • Dominik Göddeke, (University of Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Co-Spokesperson MaRDI consortium (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). Focus: Computational Mathematics for Complex Simulation in Science and Engineering.
  • Jeroen Hanselman (RPTU Kaiserslautern). Part of the MaRDI project (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). Focus: Next Generation Reviewing.
  • Jan Heiland (TU Ilmenau, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems). Elected member of the MaRDI Council (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). Focus: Applied Mathematics. 
  • Sibylle Hermann (University of Stuttgart). Focus: Research Data Management.
  • Melanie Herschel (Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Focus: Data Engineering.
  • Timo Koch (Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo). Focus: Scientific Computing, Hydromechanics and Porous Media, Research Software Engineering.
  • Holger Steeb (University of Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Focus: XRCT, Geosciences, Functional Materials, Continuum Mechanics.

Contact and feedback

If you are interested in submitting your data and software to JoDaKISS, please read the publication policy above and the guidelines for authors. If you have any questions or if you are unsure whether your data is suitable for publication in JoDaKISS, please feel free to contact us. Similarly, if you have any suggestions regarding the review process or the submission platform, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are constantly striving to improve the experience for authors, reviewers, and editors.

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