
JoDaKISS accepts submissions and publishes contributions in the form of data descriptors and software descriptors. As described in for authors, these descriptors contain all relevant information and metadata required for FAIRness, centered around a data set or software image / snapshow that is hosted in an external repository. Submitted contributions undergo a thorough formal and scientific reviewing process prior to publication.

What kind of data are in scope?

JoDaKISS considers all aspects of “data” related to scientific simulations and simulation workflows that are reusable and valuable to the community. This includes software source code, input datasets of a simulation, simulation results as well as experimental datasets which are used e.g. for validation of numerical simulations or as essential input for data-integrated simulations. Raw data can be software, classical data, or a mixture of the two which is a typical case in data-integrated simulation science. A general guideline for suitable data is that there must be a connection to a reuse case in the broad field of simulation sciences. 

Raw data will be accompanied by a descriptor that demonstrates how to install, set up, convert, or process the data and outlines use cases. A compelling use case must be described in the descriptor. Some datasets, depending on the complexity of the software or format, may require detailed installation instructions and additional source code, API, user, or developer documentation. Such documentation has to be published with the dataset and is not part of the short Data or Software Descriptor.

Out of scope for JoDaKISS are full-length scientific articles about data, software, or science, as well as simple scripts for running simulations or plotting data, application software without a clear connection to a simulation science approach or living software (i.e. software hosted on GitHub or similar in active development, for such cases you might consider JOSS or similar journals). In scope, however, are snapshots of a particular version of software hosted in a data repository as the basis for reproducible research pipelines. Also out of scope are data modalities that are far from being useful in a simulation context, such as unprocessed clinical MRI data. Within the scope of JoDaKISS, however, would be a dataset with both raw and processed MRI data and necessary software tools and descriptions to use these data in the context of, for example, a grid-based PDE simulation of tumor growth, or a Monte Carlo simulation approach for MRI signal processing.

Publishing policy

JoDaKISS is a diamond open access journal, without fees for access nor publication. All data and software remain licensed under their original terms. The descriptor is licensed as CC-BY. JoDaKISS is free for both authors and readers. This ensures that everyone (regardless of their financial situation) can overlay and thus promote their high quality datasets for reuse in the scientific community and beyond. At the same time, it ensures that the published results and cross-linked data are easily accessible. 

Editorial board

  • Bernd Flemisch (University of Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Member of the steering group and co-spokesperson of the NFDI4Ing consortium (National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences). Focus: Porous Media.
  • Dominik Göddeke, (University of Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Co-Spokesperson MaRDI consortium (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). Focus: Computational Mathematics for Complex Simulation in Science and Engineering.
  • Jeroen Hanselman (RPTU Kaiserslautern). Part of the MaRDI project (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). Focus: Next Generation Reviewing.
  • Jan Heiland (Otto-von-Guericke University, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems). Elected member of the MaRDI Council (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). Focus: Applied Mathematics. 
  • Sibylle Hermann (University of Stuttgart). Focus: Research Data Management.
  • Melanie Herschel (Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Focus: Data Engineering.
  • Timo Koch (University of Oslo). Focus: Scientific Computing, Hydromechanics and Porous Media, Research Software Engineering.
  • Holger Steeb (University of Stuttgart, Cluster of Excellence SimTech). Focus: XRCT, Geosciences, Functional Materials, Continuum Mechanics.