An overlay journal, such as JoDaKISS, is a modern publishing model that enhances the visibility and usability of scientific data and software. JoDaKISS uses existing open data repositories and overlays published datasets with
This means that instead of publishing stand-alone papers, JoDaKISS publishes datasets that are hosted in recognized data repositories, accompanied by a comprehensive data or software descriptor. The descriptor acts as a digital resource, provided with a unique DOI, and ensures that all components of a dataset - data, source code, metadata - are linked and accessible in an integrated manner. By republishing these datasets with curated descriptors, JoDaKISS provides a robust framework for quality control, peer review, and adherence to FAIR principles, while facilitating the reuse and reusability of scientific data within the simulation science community. This model promotes a dynamic and open approach to scientific publishing, enabling rapid dissemination, greater transparency, and fostering collaborative research. JoDaKISS does not publish full-length scientific articles or proceedings (but such articles may be linked to the dataset and data descriptor if published elsewhere).
All submissions to JoDaKISS are peer reviewed after they pass the initial screening by an editor. The peer review process is performed by experts from the simulation science community as well as experts in the scientific domain of the dataset and focuses on three main aspects:
JoDaKISS uses a single-blind review model.
JoDaKISS is a diamond open access journal, without fees, neither for access nor for publication. All data and software remain licensed under their original terms. Data and Software Descriptors are licensed as CC-BY.
If you are interested in submitting your data and software to JoDaKISS consult the publishing policy (link) and the the guideline for authors (link). If you have questions or you are unsure if your data is suitable for publication in JoDaKISS, please feel free to contact us. Likewise, if you have any suggestions regarding the review process or submission platform, feel free to reach out. We strive to continuously improve the experience for authors, reviewers, and editors.